Wednesday, February 20, 2013


        I haven't blogged in a while because I do not think it is worth my time. I follow these gorgeous blogs with perfection photos and incredible creative people and I look at mine it is discouraging. I am not good with computers and I am not a photographer whatsoever. I love to craft and I love to share but it is so much work.
       I have so many ideas and plans that  run through my head it almost drives me crazy. I need some brains behind me helping me get started on all of my projects. I am getting overwhelmed with how much I am always trying to do.
I cook EVERY meal for my kids to make sure they are fed healthy and are satisfied.
Currently I am trying to write a children's book and also an adult book.
I knit/crochet every spare second of my life.
Playing and entertaining kids can be very exhausting.
Taking care of the yard and chickens is another chore in itself.
Fulfilling church callings and duties and taking care of kids while cody does his is exhausting sometimes.
Cleaning and Organizing is so difficult when you have so much everywhere and no where to put it.
I want to start drawing and painting again but my kids won't let me and I also wish I had some computer photoshot or adobe illustrator to help make my designs come to life but I don't even know how to even get started on that. 

Then my goals are:
writing and updating my blog
editing pictures and scrapbooking my kids books
finishing my written books
getting models and photographer for my handmade and vintage items.
design and buy my own fabric and make children's clothing. (adobe illustrator???)
get my food storage organized and updated.

I need to tell myself that I do not need to accomplish 50 things in a day because I will probably be happier.
I have high expectations for myself so when I don't accomplish them then I get discouraged.
The problem is this blog might turn into my complaining and venting blog.
oh well.

til next time....