Ether 12
25 Thou
hast also made our words powerful and great, even that we cannot write
them; wherefore, when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble
because of the placing of our words; and I fear lest the Gentiles shall
mock at our words.
26 And
when I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, saying: Fools mock, but
they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they
shall take no advantage of your weakness;
27 And
if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto
men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all
men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves
before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become
strong unto them.So where do I even begin telling my story? I think I should start with childhood I suppose. My parents have done their very best with what they had. They have gone through some tough times and they always come out the other end. I was one of those challenges that they had to trust God through because I was an awful kid. I rebelled for the sake of rebelling.
I would run away and make my parents worry sick about me all night long. My poor dad went through so much anxiety every night I would leave, wondering if I would be home on time. He would knock on everyone's door that I knew looking for me. I know that my dad would never give up trying to find me. I hated it at the time because I didn't want to be found, But how lucky am I to have parents that care so much about me? There is nothing that I could do that would make my mom not be there for me, or fight for me.
I have never wanted to admit the depression that I went through in my younger years because I see it as a weakness. Even now as an adult I don't like saying that I am depressed, and refuse to believe it or I fake my way through it. Recently someone told me, "Katie, you are always smiling but you are so sad in your eyes. I can see it and you can't fool me with it. Start owning your feelings and say I'm not okay." I have never had someone be so honest with me before and at first I was pretty shocked. And I just started bawling. She said ,"You need to take care of yourself or you are going to fall apart." And I went home and was determined to take care of myself but the problem is, I don't even know what that means. And then I was bummed again. I can't take care of myself because I don't have a clue as how to do that. and I guess that is my current journey in finding that healing I need and blogging might be the first step in getting there. And as I continue to find those things I will blog about it, in hopes that I can help others take care of themselves in the most healthy way.
I started turning to drugs and alcohol when I was 11 years old. I remember the first time I took a drink and I really enjoyed it. I wanted to numb the pains I had and I started taking any mind altering substance I could because I just wanted to feel nothing.
Junior high is hard for a lot of kids. I know most of you remember the awkward moments where you are trying to find your friends and figure out who you were. I was so self conscious about myself that I couldn't even socialize without having some kind of drug. I felt more confident and it made me forget the pain for a moment. I think that was probably one of the loneliest times of my life because I felt like I had so much to hide. I wanted attention so bad, but yet I didn't want anyone to look at me at the same time. I really didn't know what I wanted and I was getting it from all the wrong places. I had way too many stupid boyfriends or bad friends that were just not who I needed in my life. It is a time in my life that I really don't want to go back to but I think that the things I have been going through now, I realized that some of the hard things I went though then has prepared me for some of the darkest things to come.
When I reached a point in my life that I really wanted to give up Cody all of a sudden came into my life at the most important time. I know that it was fate and everything fell into place. He was my sun and I really didn't need anything but him.
We fell so hard in love.
I just knew he loved the real me and I felt like I didn't have to hide anymore. I knew everything would be fine now that he was with me, and I felt safe. We were in this together and there wasn't anything that would keep us apart. While I was finishing the last few months of high school it was difficult because all I could think about was Cody. I would drive down to Vegas and he would drive up to me even if it was for a few hours. About a week after graduation I moved down to live with him and he was a total bum and unemployed but I just wanted to be with him. I saw the potential in him and talent he has.
In the beginning years it was a rocky road. We were very different and believed in and wanted different things. It took us a while to realize that all of those little things didn't matter because we were so in love, and we got married after living together for three years. It was the time right after high school that you had to figure out what political party you were a part of, and what college to go to, and what jobs we had to find to pay the rent. We were teaching each other about everything we had figured out so far. It was difficult but I am glad that we had each other to figure all that stuff out. It was after we had Zion that we realized we weren't young kids anymore and we really had to figure out life,because we had to teach little people about the world. It was when I realized I needed to find God again and needed guidance through this life. Cody got baptized and we got sealed together right after having sage. It was a beautiful day that I will never forget.
Cody has always been a good provider and supporter of me through my adventures. He supported me while I went to massage therapy school. He allowed me to stay home with my kids because that was something important to me. He always listened to my outrageous business ventures even though they were totally lame sometimes. I still want to invent a self filling thermos though.
He always wanted to work but his job required times of not having work and getting laid off for half the year. When Zion was born he was unemployed.when Sage was born he was unemployed. When Rae was born he was unemployed, and yes even when Betty was born he was unemployed. And I can complain and say how hard it was and the times we really didn't know how our financial situation would work out. I would have to go back to work pregnant, or find ways to get cash to stay at home with the kids but all of it has shown us how much strength we have and I am sincerely grateful for those challenges we had to go through.
I don't think I am ready to share some of the recent personal experiences that I have gone through just yet, or at least not all the details. I will slowly revisit some of the wounds over the past couple of years with you, and also the spiritual growth that I have had to face. but I can say that I have learned even more, I have seen my strength even more, I am grateful even more and I have loved Cody harder than ever before.
When you see someone going through something hard the very best thing for you to do is be there for them. Instead of advice tell them you will be by their side with whatever they chose to do. And that they are doing a great job given what their circumstances are. When you are in a deep despair you will believe all the negative things that satan is telling you. And it is needed for someone to say that you are a strong person and you can do this. All of this I have learned because I went thought this. You don't need to go through the same things as someone to understand that there are going to be hard times. And the same rules apply to anyone going through a hardship and that is showing unconditional love.
One day at a time, sometimes even one hour at a time. If everything is falling apart, then find one thing that is right and hang on to it. Try to let go of whatever is bringing you down, and completely give your trust in God and believe he will take care of it. We don't need to ask our Heavenly Father to correct the situation but simply asking him to ease the pain a little and sit with you for a moment can just be enough to get you through your hour.
I need thee every hour; stay thou nearby;
temptations lose their power when thou art nigh.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee.
I am going to try and blog about once a week and share what I feel like I need to, but not sure if I can do it. Currently rae just spilled chocolate milk and sage and zion are fighting. So to start with I will post when I can. And this post took me like three days.

I am very into quotes and I think they are great for you to read to help you get through tough times. and I will end my post with this one.
“Go back?” he thought. “No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!”
-bilbo baggins
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