Wednesday, December 27, 2017


I do believe that God puts people in your path that you need in your life. I was fortunate enough to meet a really awesome friend who is a fellow wedding planner and since day one of our friendship it felt like we have known each other forever.
She has always helped me with whatever I need. Our girls have become good friends. And her husband is also a kind and amazing person.

His name is Matthew Coles. He is a videographer for BYU sports and he also has a passion for mental wellness. Because they have become aware of our situation with Cody's addiction they offered to help our family and share with us a new therapy technique that I think is an amazing opportunity to be a part of.

This therapy is called BWRT Brain Working Recursive Therapy.

It is something that has made more sense to me than anything else has before. The brain has a memory response to trauma that is through the neurological pathways in the brain. It explains why we sometimes don't have free will over our mental processes. It will always respond in the same way until you change the pathway to a positive response.

For example, if someone is deathly afraid of spiders and every time they see one they go into a panic, before their conscious mind and body are even aware of the situation. Your emotions are out of your control because your brain is wired to always respond in this way.

The difference with BWRT and other type of therapies is that you do not have to talk about the uncomfortable details of the fear or trauma. The session is short, and you will see permanent and significant changes in your brain pattern. This therapy changes the way the brain responds by replacing the negative emotion with a positive one.

Matt explained to us that this technique is ideal for addicts. Because after taking the drug for a long time the brain changes and becomes dependent. When stress or life happens your brain is wired to go directly to your source of relief before you are even conscious of the choice. I have always known that addicts have a hard time stopping but this explains to me why. Until their brain responds differently to stress it is going to take a lot of effort and therapy to train the brains response to stress.
I was so thrilled to find such a new and awesome technique that could change lives of many people.

Shortly after Matt talked to us about this therapy I wanted to use it. I have been through so much betrayal trauma and the way I respond to the betrayal is full of fear and anxiety.
So while I was talking to Matt about possible treatments for me I had got an opportunity to be on TV on KUTV fresh living for Zurcher's Party store. I was so honored that I got such an neat opportunity. But being on camera terrified me. I was losing sleep, and freaking out.
Matt asked me if I wanted the BWRT for the fear of being on camera, and I was like YEAH! I will do anything to be able to be on camera without making a fool of myself.

You can view the video here

I wasn't able to go to his house at the time and so he was able to do it over facetime. This was the day before I went on TV and the next morning I was actually calm and collected and thought wow this could probably work. Then as I was driving there I was getting nervous, then finding the building I was getting more scared, then watching all the other people go before me I was getting more and more nervous each minute and was like I am going to tank. As soon as we got to my segment and the camera was on me, my heart slowed down, I breathed slower, and I was able to get through it with minimal fear. I can honestly say that without this treatment I would have been stuttering, sweating, and they probably wouldn't even air it. Years of being afraid of being on camera changed when I did this therapy.

I plan on doing more with Matt, with all of my emotional traumas and stress. I want to take control of my emotions and better my life. I believe that medications numb the healing process and doesn't help you. Your brain is an organ that can be healed like any other part of our body. This techniques shows your brain how to heal. I am also hopeful that this could be helpful in addition to Cody's other treatment.

If you want to learn more about this technique you can visit.

If you are someone who suffers with anxiety, phobias, stress, depression, PTSD, emotional trauma or any other brain related illness then this technique is for you. Which I think is basically everyone.  You won't regret trying it. So far the testimonials has been effective every time, and only positive experience. If this doesn't work for you then it won't hurt you and you can try something else. Don't let anyone tell you there is one way to do things. There is so much opportunity out there and we can experiment with what works for us.
BWRT worked for me and I will continue to share with you more about my sessions and the improvements that I see.
I believe in this therapy so much that I am helping Matt with his social media and website. Because I believe that this technique needs to be heard about for anyone who is suffering.


Instagram is

Tell Matt that I sent ya and you are ready to take control of your life.

xo xo

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