Monday, June 18, 2012

My Testimony

          In my patriarchal blessing it tells me that I will be a teacher in Zion and I must share my words as often as possible. What better way than blogging it? How I became to know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was the True church was not in a way that most do. I was raised LDS by loving parents. When I was young I despised church and didn't feel I belonged. I saw people do things that Christ would not approve of and then became angry towards the church. I didn't want to do anything with it.
         I moved to Las Vegas Sin City to get as opposite as possible. I tried to do things my way and was always unhappy. It wasn't until baby Zion was born that I decided I really needed to figure out life so I could teach this young being how to live life happily. Cody and I tried going back to church in 2009 and had failed attempts. We just didn't fit in the culture and couldn't find anyone to relate to. We did keep trying and got missionary lessons because Cody was not a member. I can't even count how many missionaries we fed and got all the lessons from.
         Until one  patient Elder that Cody could really relate to and we got the missionary lessons for the last time. Cody quit smoking and got baptized.
Thanks Elder Burton

      So Cody got his act together and I needed to follow. I talked to my bishop and he made it seem so far away to get to the temple. I came home crying and upset. I diligently went back to him even though it was very hard and I did what he asked me to do. He asked me to pray and read my scriptures to find the answer and I did read and pray. Everyday! I was waiting for some angel to come down and tell me that it was True. I was getting nothing. It was discouraging. I prayed for the last time and I asked "Is the church True?"
My answer:  You already KNOW!
I already knew and have always known thanks to my parents who aren't perfect but taught me right. 

We got sealed in the Timpanogas temple to my two beautiful babies on Nov. 5 2011. 


Mortality is designed for pitfalls and trials. Some people say that God won't give us what we can't handle, but I think we all have trials and those who get through them are those that have God. 

I didn't get a testimony of Joseph Smith until after I believed in the church therefore, I believe in Joseph Smith. I know the book of mormon is True. I know there is a living prophet on the earth today.
 I know that my family will be sealed together for all time and eternity through the power of God's plan for us.

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