I had a talk with Zion about who he wanted to baptize him and he of course wanted his dad. Cody is still smoking and not worthy at the moment to perform a priesthood ordinance. I know that it hurt Cody that he was not able to do it. And it was definitely an awkward moment trying to explain that Cody could not do it. I know that most of the time when we talk about it baptism it is usually done by the father and sometimes the Grandfather. I told Zion that Grandpa Don would be more than happy to do it.
I think that he still didn't understand that Cody couldn't do it because he kept saying he would rather that his Dad do it than Grandpa. Then I just felt crushed for my Dad because Zion and Grandpa Don are very close, and he would have loved to do it. But in my opinion I think that Zion wasn't saying he didn't want Grandpa, but he was just disappointed in the fact that his Dad couldn't do it.
So I talked to Cody about quitting smoking and working his way back to the church so that he would be able to do this for Zion. So we chose the option to wait for Cody so that it would be a good motivation for him to get better.
So I totally had this mom guilt because I could not help Zion is his situation. I could not control Cody, and I could not make Zion be okay with not being baptized by his Dad. So after talking to Cody a few more times I made it clear to him that if he wasn't serious about getting better soon, then he can not promise Zion that he would do it. Because I know that Zion was ready and willing to be baptized. He was so excited to have the Holy Ghost. Zion has asked me, "Mom will the Holy Ghost tell me if a bad guy is going to hit me so that I can duck?" He is very into Ninja fighting, and Lucha Underground wrestling right now so I am not surprised. But Cody agreed that we didn't want Zion to wait for him when this was such an important step in his life.
So I had prayed about this predicament I was in and tried to find the best option to get Zion baptized, and him be okay with who was baptizing him. The only other option that we had was someone in the ward, or my brother Chris. He lives in Arizona and he is very busy so I didn't think he would be able to come. But I decided to ask Zion if he thought that Chris would be a good person to baptize him. When I said Chris his little face lit up and he was like,"Yeah I want Chris to do it." I think he also just wanted to see his Uncle Chris, because we only get to see them once or twice a year.
So Chris said yes and he few up on February 2.
And February 3 2018, we all met at the stake center at 10:00 am.
And Zion was baptized around 11:30 ish by his Uncle Chris.
My Mom keeps all of her kids clothes so she happen to have a darling vintage tweed suit that was once Uncle Chris's and he was the cutest little man I ever saw. He was so excited all day, and he kept saying over and over how it was the best day of his life, and it was such a good day.
Now if you have ever met Cody you will understand that whenever he speaks he moves people. He has a spirit that makes people want to listen and he is also a very emotional person.
So as Cody spoke about his testimony and how he was so honored to have Chris baptize Zion when he was not able to. And that he felt the spirit so strong that day that he really missed the feelings that had when he was strong in the gospel. And it was very sincere, I haven't seen Cody that inspired in a while. He pretty much had the whole room in tears.
Afterwards we took some pics of the family that was there so we an always remember Zion's special day. We went out to eat at Station 22 Café, and my niece got a call from her friend that one of her friends had passed away from an overdose. And my heart aches for my niece because that is the fear and heart ache of addiction and I hope that we don't lose any more people to this awful epidemic.
The next day was fast Sunday and Cody got up and bore his testimony again, and it definitely shocked me because he had announced that he had struggled with a substance problem and he was ready to come back to church.
Even though I have blogged about our journey and most of my friends and family know, Cody has not spoke about his addiction or admitted it to anyone except for my and people in the treatment center. So I know that Cody has made mistakes along the way, but he is battling his very hardest and I know that he is going to beat this challenge and he will inspire others that it is possible. It is possible to be happy and because of Christ's Atonement we are able to be clean again and in God's eyes we are pure.
And I must say that JT disappointed the half time show. And there wasn't enough good commercials for me to enjoy any of it. It is only worth it for the many random foods that you eat and just pray that your stomach doesn't punish you later for it. It was a good weekend and enjoyed watching my first born get baptized.
Zion's journal writing

It was the third of February I was happy and it was the best day of my life. It was fun being in Chris's clothes when he was 8. Before I went under the water I was scared and nervous, but after I felt very easy and happy, and I felt clean. What I remember about Dad's talk is how I am a special person in the family and I help everyone so much. After I took pictures with my whole family and it was nice.
Then we went to eat with my family and the rest of the day was just a normal day.
I made Zion write this for me because I have been too busy to have him write it down. So now I have record of it, and eventually I will somehow get around to making the kids books of all their achievements and journal writing. If anyone has any pointers on organizing all the kids stuff, please send me an email! I could use some help.